The Twist in Tetris Effect’s Story Mode

Luis Alamilla
4 min readJun 17, 2020

Tetris Effect is one of the most interesting twists on a video game classic in recent times. You have the same traditional Tetris gameplay everyone grew up playing but with the dazzling presentation equivalent to a firework festival. It’s astonishing to witness in gameplay videos and even more overwhelming to play in person. I immediately fell in love with the game when it originally released for PlayStation 4 on November 9th, 2018. Since its release, it’s gone on to win plenty of critic awards and most recently released on PC via the Epic Games Store.

The days following up to getting my review copy, I was excited to finally dive into the deep with Tetris Effect. I had been watching the reveal trailer over and over again. The song for the level, The Deep, was stuck in my head as I kept playing the music in eager anticipation to play. That same week though, I had broken up with my long-distance girlfriend and the pain from that lingered on.

I looked to my excitement for Tetris Effect to help cope with those feelings and what a journey it was. Suddenly the song I was listening to over and over again, that brought me so much joy, became more relevant to my pain.



Luis Alamilla
Luis Alamilla

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